Organized Chaos

Collage of a broom, lady folding clothes and a messy closet

Now I'm not about to lecture you about how organized your home or desk is. Anyone who knows me knows that there's a method to my madness and there's probably more madness than method. I've asked a few friends for their favorite products that they used to stay organized and I'll share those with you as well as my own.

A Calendar Journal 

This was the most popular one mentioned and definitely one of my favorites. If it's not on my calendar, it doesn't get done. We each put our brain through quite a bit of stress daily by just trying to remember what you went to the kitchen for. Do you want to remember all the other things you have to do as well? I didn't think so.

Google Home Device 

This thing helps me to keep track of my shopping list, not burn stuff thanks to the timer, and actually get to work on time!!! It does not get better than this 😂. 

Drawer Organizer

Listen, this is uhhhhmaaaazing. I started off with my sock drawer and I learned that I have too many socks but I digress. The drawer is beautiful, no more digging through a pile! 

Picture of socks in a drawer organizer
 I got these at Walmart for $5 (I am not being paid for any advertising). I even went back for more for the other drawers lol.


A place for everything and everything in its place - Proverb

There's a flip side to this too. What if you have a lot of things and not enough places? How do you store them all? You don't. It's probably time to let go of some things so donate, throw away, or sell. Trust me, it's a liberating experience to declutter. Think of it as another form of self care 😌.

One Step At A Time

How does a person keep up with any organization technique? Discipline, yeah that word. Do you want the change? Do you like the change? Well as difficult as it may be sometimes, do it. Put the keys on the hook, hang up the jacket, and place the dishes in the sink. Fix one small section at a time and eventually it will all come together.


#organization #sorting #storage #efficiency #selfcare #springcleaning #refresh #takestock #renew

